public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "web tech"

July 2006

Mr. 6 » Blog Archive » Web 2.0 硬體產業?

by feision
我們現在所謂的Web 2.0,只是針對「內容」上面的改善,整個Web 2.0家族裡只有mashup那一塊算是在混合加總一些「工具」成另一個更棒的「工具」,但mashup嚴格說來仍然是「內容」上面的結合,如HousingMaps結合房租與地圖內容,WeatherBonk結合天氣、攝像與地圖,Drasco的則結合網拍項目與地圖,Bashr集合維基百科內容、照片與地圖等等。 可是這個產業專家所提的方向,卻是貢獻真正的純邏輯「程式」

柏強的城市探險記 » 自己推:我的 Starred Item 列表

by feision
自己推:我的 Starred Item 列表 July 2nd, 2006 at 3:14 am (google, 網頁世界, 心得) Google Reader 對我來講有幾個很重要的好處,促使我換掉 Bloglines: * 跟個人化首頁整合:我是在 Google Reader、Gmail、Google Calendar 都整合後才真正持續使用個人化首頁的,所以認同 MilchFlasche 的話。 * 隱藏閱讀過的項目,沒看過的仍然留在列表中:因為我現在上網時間很零碎,不見得真能像以前一口氣將 Blogline 上數百篇都看完,此時反而是 Google Reader 較單純的方式吸引我。 * 記錄自己閱讀的軌跡:方便我找到「前幾篇曾看過的文件」 * Star:我喜歡簡單點的分享功能

FrogBSD Blog » RSS 標題編碼問題

by feision
RSS 標題編碼問題 Filed under: Web — zmx @ 9:05 am 常常在 Bloglines 裡看到 &這種鬼東西嗎? 追根究底是因為 RSS 規格沒有對 title 標記是 plain text 或是 html,又由於 RSS 是在 XML 裡包 HTML,所以我們有 XML encoding、HTML encoding,產生了 signel encoding、double encodnig,各家的 feed aggregator 解譯方式又不同。 詹姆斯寫的 Encoding RSS Titles 整理了各種 title 用各種 encoding 在各種 aggregator 裡的情況。 想要擺脫這些麻煩 嗎? 請愛用 ATOM Feed。

December 2005

July 2005

Blogdigger Groups - Beta

by svartling & 2 others (via)
Blogdigger Groups allows you to combine the contents of two or more blogs making the combined content easily accessible all at once. You can create a Blogdigger Group using any blogs that have RSS feeds. Once you specify the feeds that comprise your Blogdigger Group you will be able to view the posts from those feeds, sorted by date, and even export your group in OPML or OCS, or subscribe to your Blogdigger Group as an RSS feed.

RapidShare Webhosting + Webspace

by svartling & 27 others (via)
RapidShare is an absolutely free web-hosting service for providing webspace on our servers without the need to sign-up. Just select a file and upload it. You will get your download-link and a secret delete-link immediately. More infos in our FAQ.


by svartling & 1 other (via)
How often have you carefully selected some text from a Web page and copied it to an email message? Snippy makes this a snap! Simply click on the little Snippy icon in the taskbar notification area, and mark out the region of the screen that you want to copy — that's it, you're done! The cut-out image will now be in your clipboard, and you can paste it in another application. If you are cutting out a portion of an Internet Explorer window, the URL will also be copied to the clipboard; this makes it very convenient to select something interesting on a Web site and send it out in an email message.

June 2005

Persistent URL Home Page

by svartling & 1 other (via)
A PURL is a Persistent Uniform Resource Locator. Functionally, a PURL is a URL. However, instead of pointing directly to the location of an Internet resource, a PURL points to an intermediate resolution service. The PURL resolution service associates the PURL with the actual URL and returns that URL to the client. The client can then complete the URL transaction in the normal fashion. In Web parlance, this is a standard HTTP redirect.

The Unofficial Web Applications List

by fastclemmy & 5 others
This site is dedicated to the growing volume of web applications out there. As I come across new web applications, I will keep adding them to the site. Meanwhile, do share with us your favorite web applications if you have any!

The Unofficial Web Applications List

by svartling & 5 others (via)
This site is dedicated to the growing volume of web applications out there. As I come across new web applications, I will keep adding them to the site. Meanwhile, do share with us your favorite web applications if you have any!

To do list, simple, easy, fast, sharable: Ta-da List

by svartling & 52 others (via)
Ta-da makes it easy to... Keep track of all the little things you need to get done Make lists for other people (co-workers, friends, family) Share lists with the world ("My favorite movies of 2004") Subscribe to your lists in RSS so you're always on track ...and more! See screenshots, details, and a movie below.


by svartling & 37 others (via)
Designed for humans first and machines second, microformats are a set of simple, open data formats built upon existing and widely adopted standards. direc.tor

by svartling & 81 others (via)
Delivering A High-Performance AJAX Web Service Broker


by svartling & 85 others (via)
TechCrunch is a weblog dedicated to obsessively profiling and reviewing every newly launched web 2.0 business, product and service.